Jason Goodhand

Creative Portfolio

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

Maya Angelou
Initials J G.

A Visual Portfolio.

Having created a ton of works, both large and small, over the course of my first year of the IMD program at Confederation College, I wanted a place to showcase a selection of pieces. Some of them I have created for assignments throughout the year, and some I have created outside of school.

Fashion magazine spread.

Featured above and below are examples of magazine spreads I've created using Adobe InDesign. Prior to taking the IMD program at Confederation College, I had never used the application before. At first use, I found it relatively cumbersome. It did not seem as intuitive as some of the other Adobe applications I was using simultaneously. The more I was able to dive into it however, I began to see how much fun it can be to use. Over the course of the summer I look forward to furthering my skills in InDesign, and the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of software.

Portrait magazine spread.
Portrait magazine spread.